As you walk around the church you will find various depictions of animals, in a multitude of medias, that are representative of the broads. Below, the embroidered altar cloth on the left shows a moorhen, a bittern, and a swallowtail butterfly. And on the right, a frog, a heron, and a dragonfly can be made out.

Embroidery of a bittern found on the altar cloth

Embroidery of a heron found on the altar cloth
The image below shows a misericord that can be found in the choir stalls. Beautifully carved into the wood you can make out a swallowtail butterfly and a dragonfly, much like the images above. This particular misericord, along with one other, is a relatively new addition and was carved in 1998 by Chris Springham, a designer and sculptor from the parish. The other four misericords came from St Benet's abbey and can be dated back to 1460.

A misericord made in 1998 with carvings of a swallowtail butterfly and a dragon fly
There are at least two dragons in the church, one of which can be found on the north parclose and the other in the Lady Chapel rood screen. On the left is the dragon killed by St George. On the right is the dragon speared by St Margaret of Antioch's cross.

The head of the dragon killed by St George

Dragon speared by a cross
Illuminations in the antiphoner, like the image below, depict the local setting of the Broads. In this case Jonah is seen being disgorged on to the shore by a 'pike-like' fish whilst calmly praying to God. The image on the right is the original design drawing by the sculptor Sophie Dickens that eventually became the new wind vane of Pacificus with his dog, Caesar.

Jonah prays as the 'pike-like' fish disgorges him on to the shore

The original drawing of Pacificus and his dog, Caesar

Victorian eagle lectern